In 1982, Disney produced a movie called Tron. Jeff Bridges played the role of Kevin Flynn, a computer programmer who digitized and thrown into a virtual world controlled by MCP (an artificial intelligence based-master control program). In this virtual world, Flynn meets several virtual characters like Tron (played by Bruce Boxleitner). They go through several challenges until they defeat MCP.
Tron was one of the first movies to extensively use computer graphics. Its nearly 20 minutes of animation has been considered a breakthrough in filmmaking technology. I believe Tron gave the world a preview of a virtual world.
Today, one of these virtual worlds is called “Second Life.” Opened in 2003 by Linden Labs, this is the virtual world of nearly 9 million inhabitants (and counting). It is a vast digital continent where residents live and create their own virtual experiences. They build their own homes using Linden dollars and create their own professional and personal opportunities.
“Second Life has evolved into an alternate world with its own economy. Second Lifers can login as whoever they want to be, be whatever they want to be, and do whatever they want to do inside this “alternative reality,” said Philip Tiongson, strategic planning and consultancy director of UM Consulting, the marketing communications consultancy division of Universal McCann.
Users are called "Residents" who create their own avatars that makes them interact with other users. They can socialize and participate in group activities. And like what my friend, Philip said, do whatever they want to do in this “alternative reality.”
If your into business, there is Second Life's virtual currency. It is called the Linden Dollar. One can exchange it for real currency. Thus many brands are present in Second Life offering various products and services.
At the end of March 2008, approximately 13 million accounts were registered, but you can be sure many are inactive accounts or other users have multiple accounts. Like, I do have two Friendster accounts.
Like any business, Second Life does have competitors, which I shall blog about soon.
For more about Second Life, please click on my Manila Times column, "Marketing IT," published last September 2007.
Monday, March 31, 2008
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