Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Challenges of Connectivity

Problems can arise given the increasing number of Wi-Fi access points especially in high-density areas like condominiums or office buildings. An excessive number of access points result in “Wi-Fi Pollution.” This can prevent access and interfere with the use of other access points. Devices like security cameras, Bluetooth devices and even cordless phones and microwave ovens can also cause additional interference. In fact, several years ago, we had a dilemma with the 2.4GHz band radio spectrum utilized by the 802.11 Wi-Fi standard as the frequency is used (until now) by Meralco in Metro Manila.

Wireless networks use radio signals that makes them vulnerable. They don’t have the same physical boundaries or structure like cables that wired networks use. And these signals don’t end at your door. They can reach your neighbor across the street or the room above you where a hacker who can access your passwords and can get into your computer through your own wireless router. (In the case of Meralco, interfere with their communications equipment.)

Or you enter a free “poisoned hotspot” set up by identity thieves for the purpose of “sniffing” data sent by different users. This abuse can be avoided by the use of VPN or Virtual Private Network.

Just remember that air space is free and all our text messages and emails travel through this air space, so don't be surprised if there is technology that can "grab" it while it travels.

Better be safe and secured, than sorry.

You can click on "Are you secured" or
read the complete column in the Manila Times at

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