Ten years ago, the first ever tweet came from Jack Dorsey last 22 March 2006. He is the co-founder and CEO of Twitter. He was inspired by inspired in part by LiveJournal and by AOL Instant Messenger to develop a Web-based realtime status/short message communication service.
Together with Biz Stone, they co-founded Twitter. Stone was previously the creative director of Xanga. Remember Xanga? I do. I think I even had a profile. It was one of the early social networking sites in the early 2000, before it became a Facebook world.
Today, Twitter is a microblogging and social networking platform which allows users post and interact with messages known as "tweets.” Noah Glass and Evan Williams joined Dorsey and Stone in March 2006 to start Twitter.
Dorsey would later explain the origins of Twitter. “
Some stories credit the name of Noah Glass. According to a Business Insider story, Dorsey had an idea for “a completely different product that revolved around "status" — what people were doing at a given time.” In an interview with Alexis Madrigal of The Atlantic, last 14 April 2011, Glass says it was he who came up with the name "Twttr." "I spent a bunch of time thinking about it." Eventually, the name would become Twitter.
The story further describes Glass passion. “No one at Odeo was more passionate about Twitter in the early days than Odeo's co-founder, Noah Glass.”
All these men have contributed to how technology works